Author: byronschramm

  • Chimney Sweeping in Austria

    Chimney Sweeping in Austria

    An American chimney sweep’s perspective. My experience sweeping chimneys in Austria centered in the old capitol itself – the heart of Europe- Vienna. The city of Franz Joseph I and Sissi was our home base for our two days of sweeping around the Ringstrasse of Vienna. Our guide was none other than a 7th generation…

  • Chimney Sweeping in Germany

    Chimney Sweeping in Germany

    As an American chimney sweep I was very interested to know how the German chimney sweeps performed their work. What do they inspect?How many chimneys can they sweep per day?What is involved in a chimney sweep in Germany?Do Germans have to be certified?How long is the German schooling program for chimney sweeps? Is it true…